Portals II detail
Doorways and Portals Part II
Marble Bronze and glass
2metres high
To capture the essence of a being I began to sense the dream time and when i moved my studio to the bush i truly felt something I had only caught a waft of in the Hattah desert of my art school years… This work some 27 years after the poetry I wrote of my first experience with Dreamtime is both an ode to that awakening and am embrace of my own feminine expression as an artist of the soul of humanity as I express it as spirit.
Far above my dune I drifted and blew. A draught of thought. Coming down to more earthy feelings I ran leaping thought the prickly sticks and grasses engulfing the space and feeling the air. At the brink of the dunes and the forest I stopped, struck by its forms and shapes. A graveyard of trees broken by past floods created an eerie peace. I bumbled down the slope and crunched slowly through the bark, looking and collecting the strong rusts and burnt yellows contained in old leaves and bark. The sun again reached long and warm through the monstrous trunks and stumps causing colours to burn with life and the mind to warm with feelings of respect and peace.
Alone in the skeletons of a forest I took on the bush spirit and was to feel it etched on my soul whenever I was far from home.
The ‘wallaby’ or perhaps it was a great grey kangaroo referred to… was a waking dream. Like an enormous ghost I felt the land singing to me in a language I had never encountered before. An alien song I found myself flowing within its meaning feeling the interconnectedness of history. I write of dreams that come from this awakening in me. And it was many years later reading about what the aboriginal dreamtime is that I realised it was describing this moment of tapping into the song lines and hearing the wallaby song. It had been a most amazing sensation as I had felt the whole land singing to me and seen great flows of energy and ‘ghosts’ of massive kangaroo and wallaby spirits bounding over the land.
River Dreaming
Birdseye view of River Dreaming
Winters Cloak
poppies glass and bronze
2005 Bjork detail
Gaia glass bronze and quartz
Snake season
Quartz, bronze and glass
ode to the summer energy
90cm x 20 cm x 30 cm